Math for Kindergarteners: Getting to Know Numbers

As in preschool, kindergarten is learning the basics of counting, measuring, classification and number operations. But the kindergarten children are required to work more independently, faster and less encouraged by adults. The practice of mathematical concepts in the country and in the classroom, your child will gain confidence to face the challenges of the new math problems.

Just what the Kindersite are required to know? Just like the older grades, standards vary from state to state expectations for kindergarten, the district and also in the courtroom in the courtroom. To help children learn mathematics appropriate, parents important thing to do is communicate with the teacher to know what skills will be introduced, and what is expected of their children. In this sense, keep an eye on the following concepts quite common asylum.


Children will now be expected to involve a group of five items or less quickly and say how much is there, without stopping to count every single high. In addition, children will be expected from high until at least twenty. But do not automatically stop there! Encourage your child to count as high as she can and see as often as possible. Even moments like snack time option offers practical try grouping and counting of small pieces, pretzel sticks, for extra practice.


In addition to having high outnumber him in kindergarten, your child should write the numbers zero to nine readable. The possibilities of accounting practice is easy to find, but your child may be reluctant to sit down and write songs repeatedly. Try to do the practice on a small blackboard with colored chalk or purchase paint for the bath and let him practice on the walls of shower bath life.


In kindergarten, the money will be put in place and your child will learn the value of the ear, quarter Dimes, Nickels, and perhaps money as well. Let your child help you count change when buying ice cream, or make a game of dumping all the additional changes in your pockets and pack it with your child. Children love pretend play at that age, so make sure you have the value of the currency play money at hand and integrate pretend play.


Children begin to compare units of time based on the relative size. For example, learning a week consists of days to a month is less than one year. For practice, try to talk about schedules frequently. Give your child your own schedule and help you keep track of days here provided. Start by looking at every morning to see if a school or daycare, then progress to "dance classes are on Thursday night" and "in two weeks (or 14 days), to visit Grandma."


Children can continue to use non-standard measures (ie, how many paper clips long is the record.) You can also start making small steps inch with a ruler. The funniest thing is to measure the height of a child always clean, but try to see how many inches long and your foot is by comparing how many inches long walk from one family member, or by measuring the length of his favorite toys.

Number of Operations

Children continue to practice to reach groups and groups of the division also. But they are also beginning to acquire the less appropriate the terminology of addition, subtraction, addition and equals. Using blocks, you can "build" the number of phrases with your child. Choose a few blocks, build a small tower and have the results together. Then remove a few blocks from the tower or split in two, creating problems for subtraction or division.

As kindergarteners master concepts and move on to new challenges, they begin to understand just how numbers work rather than just following steps or repeating answers. Encourage independence in your child’s thinking, and watch his math skills grow!