Ice Cream Science

What is a liquid? What is a solid? If you ask your nursery what ice cream is made of what could I say? Is it ice? Or cream? Or something in between? Put your lab coat and know first hand the science behind the issue. Although the manufacture of ice cream, your child will learn a little physics. In addition, she will think you're the best parents on the block!

What you need:

* Milk (1 cup)
* Sugar (1 teaspoon)
* Vanilla (1 tsp)
* Ziploc Bags
* Salt (1 tbsp)
* Ice
* Round metal coffee can or other
What you do:

1. Mini science lesson
Explain to your nursery school that everything on Earth is a liquid, solid or gaseous. Let him know that today will focus on liquids and solids. Then give your child many examples of each. For example, "a picture is a solid and a" cookie "is a solid. However, water and milk are liquids." Explain that liquids are things that can retain their shape, such as orange juice. Ask your child if you can think of her own examples of liquids and solids. Once you think you have mastered the concepts, ask: "Is ice cream a liquid or solid" Your child might say that ice cream is clearly a strong But what. that when it melts? Perhaps something both a solid and a liquid? Tell him you will study what happens when something changes temperature.

2. Experiment time
Mala leche (liquid), sugar (solid) and vanilla (liquid) in the Ziploc bag. Then fill the coffee can halfway with ice and add a tablespoon of salt. Make sure the bag is sealed tightly. Then place the bag inside the coffee can.

Go outside and roll the coffee can back and forth with your child for about 15 minutes. Before taking the ice, ask your child to make a prediction on what would have happened to the liquid in the plastic bag. Together, decide if the ice can be in a state when it is cold and another when it warms. She believes that the ingredients will always be in liquid form?

3. Lick It Up!
Now that the hard work of being a scientist is done, it's time to enjoy the results!

Science is how we explain the world around us. Five are still seeking answers to questions about why things are as they are. Ice Cream is a fun way to introduce the first concepts of science and cool on a hot day, too!